Course-ID: 3D Seminar

Language: English

Date: dates to be announced


Lecturer: Elöd Úry, Christian Slavicek, Thomas Haberl

Digital dentistry is revolutionizing the dental practice. Direct digital protocols promise optimized outcomes, reduced working times, and resource savings. However, to benefit from the advantages of digital work it is crucial to be aware of its possible pitfalls and limitations. Most importantly, it is essential that the key principles for individualized functional treatment are made possible in the virtual environment with the same accuracy as in the analog world.

The CADIAS® 3D partition of the GAMMA software offers a range of dedicated tools for individualized digital instrumental analysis. An important prerequisite for this is the exact digitization and positioning of the dental models. Thus, indirect (using a laboratory scanner) and direct (using an intraoral scanner) workflows have been developed for this purpose. It is crucial that a joint-related articulation of the dental models is performed to respect the individual configuration of the patient’s stomatognathic system. Afterwards, the occlusion can be analyzed both statically and dynamically, and can be put in relationship with further clinical findings for clinical interpretation and treatment planning.

This seminar is conceived to illustrate the most relevant steps for professional work in functional dentistry in the digital environment, from the digitization of the dental arches to file exchange with CAD software for dental design, and allows exploring the CADIAS® 3D tools and functions.

The seminar includes theoretical lectures and practical work, and covers the following points:

– Indirect and direct workflows in the digital assembly of dental models
– Preparation and segmentation of digital models
– The virtual articulator: mode of operation, functions, settings
– Integration of CADIAX data
– Digital occlusion analysis (both graphical and numerical)
– Static occlusal protocol
– Dynamic occlusal protocol
– CPM (Condylar Position Measurement) analysis
– CPV (Condylar Position Variator for mandibular repositioning)
– Occlusal design
– Exocad interface and data transfer from and to CADIAS® 3D

Selected patient cases will be shown to demonstrate the full range of functions and diagnostic possibilities of the system.

Ideally, participants should bring their own laptops with pre-installed CADIAS 3D software. Temporary licenses limited to the duration of the course will be provided to those who do not yet own one.